Browse Collections


15 items
This collection includes video recordings discussing battle and historic sites on or near the present day Crow reservation.
6 items
Members of each Crow clan from the Mighty Few District (Wyola) tell traditional stories.
39 items
This collection includes oral histories on a range of topics from the post-WWII period.
54 items
This collection includes events at Little Big Horn College including classes, graduations, and masquerade dances.
33 items
This is an annual guessing game takes place every spring with participants under the age of thirty.
7 items
A dance that began to honor warriors in the pre-reservation period that still takes place to honor Crow military veterans who served in combat.
38 items
The Crow Indian Veterans Project Collection documents an important historical trend during the reservation period, service by Crows in the United States military. Crows first served in the military in World War One, despite not yet gaining citizenship.